On Friday afternoon May 26, NESSC researcher dr. Darci Rush (NIOZ) will present on her research as speaker of the Friday Earth Sciences Talks (FEST) at Utrecht University. Darci
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Blog: Beginner’s Guide to Goldschmidt conference, 2022
NESSC-researcher Danica Mitrović (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) tells about her first visit to a Goldschmidt conference, held this summer in Hawai'i's capital Honolululu. In case you think this
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NESSC-researcher Addison Rice (Utrecht University) set out on a week-long research cruise in the Mediterranean Sea. Not everything went right... Research vessel Dallaporta in the harbour.
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Labwork, fieldwork, or just grabbing a coffee with your fellow scientists – all the usual, scientific activities have come to a halt at NESSC due to the current corona-measures.
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Every year, the mighty Mississippi river and its distributaries carry vast amounts of sediments and nutrients into the northern Gulf of Mexico, impacting the chemistry and biology in the
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