Down the Belaya River

This summer, NESSC colleague Margot Cramwinckel took off on a one-week field work to the southern part of Russia, north of Georgia. “Together with researchers of the Paleomagnetic Laboratory

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Karthaus summer school 2016

Ice sheets and glaciers in the climate system From 13-24 September 2016, the 16th  Karthaus summer school on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System will take place in Karthaus,

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Urbino Summer School 2016

NESSC sponsors the Urbino Summer School on Paleoclimatology, July 13th-29th. This summer school is held on July 13 - 29, 2016 in the idyllic medieval Italian city of Urbino. Read

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Weathering regulates CO2 concentration

In climate, CO2 plays an important role. The gas enhances the greenhouse effect, and therefore causes extra global warming. But what are the long-term consequences of an increasing CO2

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Understanding past global warming events

Extraordinary moments in climate history are interesting to explore; you could come across useful information for our current situation. NESSC researcher Cindy Schrader is investigating temperature peaks called hyperthermals dating 50 million

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