Symposium: Interactions and feedbacks between ice sheets, climate, sea-level and the solid earth
Interactions and feedbacks between ice sheets, climate, sea-level and the solid earth

On Tuesday January 28 a symposium is held in Utrecht in the Buys Ballot building (Princetonplein 5, room 083) from 15:00 to 17:00 on the occasion of the PhD-defence of NESSC-researcher Tijn Berends.
The following speakers will give a presentation:
Joost Frieling (UU, GEO):
Calibration and first application of the dinoflagellate cyst based pCO2 barometer
Florence Colleoni (National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Italy):
Interactions between the Antarctic ice sheet, evolution of continental margins and sea level
Rob DeConto (University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA):
Unprecedented vulnerability of the modern Antarctic Ice Sheet relative to its paleo ancestors
Tijn Berends (UU, BETA):
Interactions and feedbacks between ice sheets, climate, sea level and the solid Earth
Drinks from 17:00 – 18:00 at IMAU. All are welcome!
The PhD-defense of Tijn Berends takes place the next day, Wednesday January 29 from 10:30, at Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht.