On Friday afternoon May 26, NESSC researcher dr. Darci Rush (NIOZ) will present on her research as speaker of the Friday Earth Sciences Talks (FEST) at Utrecht University. Darci
/ read moreOn Friday afternoon May 26, NESSC researcher dr. Darci Rush (NIOZ) will present on her research as speaker of the Friday Earth Sciences Talks (FEST) at Utrecht University. Darci
/ read moreNESSC-researcher Danica Mitrović (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) tells about her first visit to a Goldschmidt conference, held this summer in Hawai'i's capital Honolululu. In case you think this
/ read moreNESSC-onderzoeker Addison Rice (Universiteit Utrecht) vertrok deze week op een onderzoeksexpeditie naar de Middellandse Zee. Niet alles liep op rolletjes… Onderzoeksschip Dallaporta in de haven. Foto:
/ read moreNESSC-onderzoeker Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (NIOZ/Universiteit Utrecht) is benoemd tot lid van de Academia Europaea. Eenmaal per jaar nodigt de prestigieuze Academie van wetenschappen eminente onderzoekers uit om lid te
/ read moreLabwork, fieldwork, or just grabbing a coffee with your fellow scientists – all the usual, scientific activities have come to a halt at NESSC due to the current corona-measures.
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