Promovendus: Matthias Kuderer Datum: 04-11-2022 Tijd: 12:15 – 13:00 Instituut: Universiteit Utrecht Locatie: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht Promotor: prof. dr. Jack Middelburg Titel proefschrift: How bioturbators perturb the paleo record
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Promotie: Below the Surface: Transatlantic signatures of Pliocene warmth in the ocean
Promovendus: Carolien van der Weijst Datum: 12-04-2022 Tijd: 16:15– 17:15 Instituut: Universiteit Utrecht Locatie: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht Promotor: prof. dr. Appy Sluijs Co-promotors: dr. Francesca Sangiorgi & dr. Francien Peterse Titel proefschrift: Below the Surface:
/ read morePromotie: Climate Variability and Response in High-Resolution Earth System Models
Promovendus: André Jüling Datum: 07-03-2022 Tijd: 12:15– 17:00 Instituut: Universiteit Utrecht Locatie: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht Online: Titel proefschrift: Climate Variability and Response in High-Resolution Earth System Models
/ read morePromotie: Drought in the rainforest: Investigating leaf, tree and ecosystem scale responses to drought in the Amazon forest
Promovendus: Thomas Janssen Datum: 28-01-2022 Tijd: 13:45 Instituut: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Locatie: VU Aula live stream beschikbaar: hier Promotor: prof. dr. A.J. Dolman Co-promotors: dr. K. Fleischer & dr. K.I.M. Naudts Thesis: Drought in the rainforest Abstract: In
/ read morePhD defence: Novel lipid biomarkers for detecting microbial oxidation of methane in the environment
PhD Candidate: Nadine Smit Defence date: Friday, August 27th Time: 10.15 am Institute: NIOZ Location: Online (Hybrid) PhD supervisor(s): Professor Stefan Schouten and Professor Jaap Sinninghe Damsté Co-supervisor: Dr. Darci Rush Summary: Methane is a powerful
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