
NESSC programs

NESSC offers various funding programs, allowing NESSC researchers to apply for additional funding for research visits, the organisation of workshops or attracting world-leading scientists for a research visit.

NESSC Exchange Program: The exchange program is to promote and stimulate exchange and interaction of NESSC researchers with international groups.

NESSC Visiting Scholar Program: The eminent visiting scholar program supports 3 to 6 months stays of world-leading scientists, to one of the NESSC research institutes. The scientist is expected to make a substantial impact on the NESSC by contributing to its research, teaching, visibility, or outreach.

NESSC Workshop Program: The workshop program supports proposals for up to one-week meetings with the aim to synthesize existing knowledge, address emerging issues and/or to produce state-of-the-art science reports for leading journals. The aim of the workshops is to aid cross-fertilization of disciplinary approaches. This aim of this program is also to provide in-depth training for the junior researchers of the NESSC consortium.

The scheduled 2015/2016 deadlines are:

1 April 2015

1 September 2015

1 January 2016

Application forms can be found here