Mini-symposium: past greenhouse climates
Dynamics and evolution of past greenhouse climates

On Thursday March 28 a mini-symposium is held in the Marinus Ruppertbuilding (Leuvenlaan 21, Lecture Hall Purple) at Utrecht University from 15:00 to 17:00 on the occasion of the PhD-defence of NESSC-researcher Robin van der Ploeg.
The following speakers will give a presentation:
Robin van der Ploeg (UU, GEO): Balance and imbalance in the geological carbon cycle: a Middle Eocene perspective
Helen Coxall (Stockholm University): The Mercator projection syndrome: overlooking the role of Arctic gateways in Eocene-Oligocene ocean circulation
Steven Bohaty (University of Southampton): Climate and oceanographic evolution of the Southwest Atlantic: initial results of RRS Discovery cruise DY087
Richard Zeebe (University of Hawaii): A new astronomical solution and the calibration of geologic time
Drinks from 17:00 – 18:00. All are welcome!