Blog: Mediterranean research cruise, 2021

NESSC-researcher Addison Rice (Utrecht University) set out on a week-long research cruise in the Mediterranean Sea. Not everything went right... Research vessel Dallaporta in the harbour.

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Key role for ocean ecosystems in removing CO2

New NESSC-study underlines important role of surface region of ocean in dissolving calcium carbonates. A tiny, but important chemical compound is found everywhere in the ocean: calcium carbonate. It forms

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New movie clip on ocean drilling programme IODP

A new movie clip on the ocean drilling programme IODP has now been released! The short film, partly financed by NESSC, highlights the importance of the International Ocean Discovery Program

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Plant nursery brings tropics to Wageningen

NESSC-scientists in Wageningen start tropical plant nursery to continue research during the COVID-19 pandemic. With their research, education and fieldwork areas out of reach by the COVID-19 restrictions, NESSC-scientists

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Appy Sluijs appointed member of KHMW

NESSC-researcher Appy Sluijs has been appointed member of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW, Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities). Sluijs, professor of Paleoceanography at Utrecht University,

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