Appy Sluijs presents TPA

Appy Sluijs, NESSC colleague and Professor Paleoclimatology at Utrecht University, presented our NESSC outreachproject Tipping Point Ahead to 800 geology teachers. TPA is meant for high school students:a website with

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Tipping Point Ahead online

Our NESSC outreach project for high school students is now online! On this website, NESSC researchers talk about their work: what do they want to know, why is that

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Lucas Lourens awarded EGU Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal

The European Geosciences Union has honoured NESSC-colleague Prof. Lucas Lourens, head of the Stratigrafy and Paleontology group at Utrecht University, with the Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal. He received the award for his

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NIOZ featured in NRC carrière

Esmee Geerken and Gabriella Weiss, two of our PhD-students, were interviewed by newspaper NRC to talk about their research at NIOZ, Texel. Geerken and Weiss both work on a

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