Want to know what the melting process of the Greenland ice sheet would look like? You should dive into the past. A model that can reliably reconstruct the past,
/ read moreWant to know what the melting process of the Greenland ice sheet would look like? You should dive into the past. A model that can reliably reconstruct the past,
/ read moreThe Antarctic ice sheets are melting faster than previously thought, according to last week's news articles. This century the sea level will rise an extra meter. Reason to panic? NESSC colleague Michiel
/ read moreThe conference Global Climate Observation: the Road to the Future is being held from 2-4 March 2016 at the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam to allow producers and users of
/ read moreNESSC scientists do not only work together nationally, but also work with international researchers to investigate climate processes. This Tuesday, an international study about the effect of CO2 concentration
/ read moreGood news: the course materials NESSC developed within the outreach program Tipping Point Ahead are now available! The material is in Dutch, since it will be used in Dutch
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