The first results of NESSC’s PhD-researchers are arriving with publications in high ranking journals. We are very proud of them! Below you find a short description of some of
/ read moreThe first results of NESSC’s PhD-researchers are arriving with publications in high ranking journals. We are very proud of them! Below you find a short description of some of
/ read moreThe world’s poorest countries face the largest temperature swings as result of climate change, a brand new NESSC-publication finds. The study by NESSC-researcher Sebastian Bathiany (Wageningen University), published in
/ read moreLong, shallow melt lakes form in the Antarctic even in winter, new NESSC-research shows. Even though the sun does not reach the South Pole during winter and temperatures can
/ read moreMeet dr. Elena Popa, who is the new tenure track assistant professor at NESSC! The coming years Elena will work at the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht
/ read moreNESSC researcher Stefan Schouten (NIOZ/Utrecht University) has been granted the 2018 Alfred Treibs Award, a prestigious prize of the Geochemical Society. Schouten is given the award for his ‘unique
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