It’s already the second week for the 2016 Urbino Summer School for Paleoclimatology. NESSC-researcher Shaun Akse blogs: Palazzo Ducale in Urbino (photo: Shaun Akse) At day twelve
/ read moreIt’s already the second week for the 2016 Urbino Summer School for Paleoclimatology. NESSC-researcher Shaun Akse blogs: Palazzo Ducale in Urbino (photo: Shaun Akse) At day twelve
/ read moreNESSC-researcher Shaun Akse blogs from the Urbino Summer School for Paleoclimatology : Day 5 of the Summer School involved one of the most exciting aspects of being active in the
/ read moreThe 13th edition of the Urbino Summer School on Paleoclimatology began past Wednesday, 13th July. NESSC-researcher Shaun Akse is attending the summer school in Italy this year. The coming
/ read moreFew places in the world conjure up images of remoteness and harshness like Far Eastern Siberia. Yet, it’s places like these where our science is needed most. Blog from blogs.egu.eu, written
/ read moreSome of our NESSC researchers are currently sailing the Western Mediterranean Sea on the Pelagia, the research vessel of NIOZ. This picture gallery gives an impression of life (and research)
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