NESSC Visiting Scholar Program

NESSC Visiting Scholar Program For 2015 the total available budget is 40k€. What? The eminent visiting scholar program supports 3 to 6 months stays of world-leading scientists, to one of the NESSC

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NESSC Exchange Program

NESSC Exchange Program For 2015 the total available budget is 23k€. What? The exchange program is to promote and stimulate exchange and interaction of NESSC researchers with international groups. Who can apply? PI’s, co-applicants,

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Application forms

Application form: Exchange Program Application form: Visiting Scholar Program Application form: Workshop Program You can submit your application by emailing it to    

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NESSC programs

NESSC offers various funding programs, allowing NESSC researchers to apply for additional funding for research visits, the organisation of workshops or attracting world-leading scientists for a research visit. NESSC Exchange Program: The exchange

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