KNAW symposium: Polar amplification
On Monday September 30 the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) organizes a symposium on climate research regarding the consequences of polar amplification. Main speakers are NESSC-scientists Margot Cramwinckel and Michiel Baatsen (Utrecht University) and climate researcher Geert Jan van Oldenborgh (KNMI). What possible weather and temperature changes can be expected (in the Netherlands) related to the changing temperatures between the poles and the equator?
The symposium takes place at the KNAW Trippenhuis in Amsterdam, starting at 19:00. During the symposium, Dan Brinkhuis of Science Media will show images and videos, amongst others material made for the Tipping Point Ahead educational programme.
Monday 30 september 2019, from 19:00 until 21:00 hours
KNAW Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
The symposium is free to attend, registration via the KNAW-website