NESSC research shows that massive volcanic eruptions did not cause the extinction of dinosaurs. Massive volcanic eruptions on the Indian peninsula have long been proposed as an alternative cause for
/ read moreNESSC research shows that massive volcanic eruptions did not cause the extinction of dinosaurs. Massive volcanic eruptions on the Indian peninsula have long been proposed as an alternative cause for
/ read morePhD Candidate: Thomas Hessilt Defence date: 18-11-2024 Time: 11:45 Institute: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Location: Hoofdgebouw VU, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam Online: Livestream PhD supervisors: dr. S.S.N. Veraverbeke prof.dr. G.R. van der Werf Title thesis: The Ignition Enigma: Dynamics
/ read morePhD Candidate: Laura Pacho Sampedro Defence date: 6-11-2024 Time: 14:15 Institute: Utrecht University Location: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht PhD supervisors: prof. dr. Gert-Jan Reichart dr. Lennart J. de Nooijer Title thesis: Foraminiferal diversity and novel trace elements
/ read morePhD Candidate: Jessica Venetz Defence date: 30-10-2024 Time: 14:30 Institute: Radboud Universiteit Location: Aula, Comeniuslaan 2, Nijmegen Online: Livestream PhD supervisors: prof. dr Mike Jetten prof. dr. Caroline Slomp dr. Annelies Veraart Title thesis: Biogeochemical drivers of microbial methane
/ read morePhD Candidate: Malavika Sivan Defence date: 29-10-2024 Time: 14:00 Institute: Utrecht University Location: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht Online: Livestream PhD supervisors: prof. dr. Thomas Röckmann prof. dr. Caroline P. Slomp dr. Maria Elena Popa Title thesis: Clumped isotopologues of
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