On Thursday 29 October, the official premiere of Climate Helpdesk will take place - the platform where you can go with all your questions about climate change and where
/ read moreOn Thursday 29 October, the official premiere of Climate Helpdesk will take place - the platform where you can go with all your questions about climate change and where
/ read morePhD Candidate: Michiel in ’t Zandt Defence date: 09-12-2020 Time: 15:30 Institute: Department of Microbiology, Institute for Water and Wetland Research, Radboud University Location: Senaatszaal, Aula Radboud Universiteit, Comeniuslaan 2, 6525 HP Nijmegen The
/ read moreAgenda 2023 All meetings are on Mondays from 3:45pm – 4:45 pm Date Theme Theme Leaders 13-02-2023 5 Marten Scheffer, Lucas Lourens 13-03-2023 1 Caroline Slomp, Mike Jetten 17-04-2023 2 Jorien Vonk, Francien Peterse 15-05-2023 3 Gert-Jan Reichart, Jack Middelburg 12-06-2023 4 Anna von der Heydt, Appy Sluijs Every
/ read moreHow hot will the earth become due to increasing CO2 levels in our atmosphere? This crucial question about the future of our planet has been the focus of many
/ read moreNESSC-researcher Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (NIOZ/Utrecht University) has been elected member of the Academia Europaea. Once per year the prestigious Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe) invites eminent scholars all across
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