A breakthrough in the methodology of climate temperature reconstruction based on microbial molecular fossils advances the development of a paleothermometer for reconstructing past temperatures on land. NESSC-researcher Jaap Sinninghe
/ read moreA breakthrough in the methodology of climate temperature reconstruction based on microbial molecular fossils advances the development of a paleothermometer for reconstructing past temperatures on land. NESSC-researcher Jaap Sinninghe
/ read moreThe world’s oceans offer unexplored solutions to counter the adverse effects of climate change like ocean warming, ocean acidification and sea level rise. An international team of world leading
/ read moreLectures and debates in Utrecht on ‘Impacts of Sea Level Rise from Past to Present’ In the past, sea-level rise has played a crucial role in the formation of coastal
/ read moreNESSC is co-sponsoring the INQUA-PAGES conference: Impacts of sea-level rise from past to present 26-29 August 2018, Utrecht, the Netherlands “This conference aims to facilitate scientific exchange between early-career researchers (ECRs) from
/ read moreThe natural process removing CO2 from the earth's atmosphere can slow down or accelerate, new NESSC-research shows. This natural thermostat of earth’s climate severely faltered some forty million years
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