NESSC day 2016 was a great success

A day full of presentations, lectures, posters, food, beers and gezelligheid: the first annual NESSC day was a huge success. More than 65 scientists came together at the Koningshof conference center

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NESSC-NAC program 6-7 April 2016

This is the final schedule for the NESSC-NAC program for April 6-7.     Download the program here (pdf)  Abstracts keynotes: The polar oceans and Atmospheric CO2 Gerald H. Haug1,2, Alfredo Martinez-Garcia1, Anja Studer1, Abby Ren3, Samuel

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March 30: seminar global change during Anthropocene

Seminar on global change during the Anthropocene On the occasion of the honorary degree of Sybil Seitzinger Wednesday March 30, 2016    13:30 – 16:30 hrs Drinks afterwards Sign up by email: Location: Utrecht University,

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